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About The Book

A must have guide to help tackle the challenges life will throw your way

In this short and sweet comprehensive guide to meeting your full potential, learn 7 essential skills everyone should develop to overcome life’s inevitable obstacles. Empower Your Edge!

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What are you waiting for?

Get Started
with The 
7 Mandatory Life Skills

These critical interpersonal and practical skills can help people navigate both their personal and professional lives, enabling them to achieve their full potential in every area. With these skills, adults can learn how to approach failure, take care of their bodies, crush procrastination, and be empowered to tackle life’s inevitable challenges.

What Sets Us Apart

About the book...

Today’s adults are challenged with stress, mental health issues, difficulty communicating effectively, all while juggling responsibilities between work, studies, and their personal lives. 7 Mandatory Life Skills for Embracing Your Full Potential offers people 7 critical skills that will contribute to their overall wellbeing and success in various aspects of life. These practical and interpersonal life skills will assist people in their personal and professional development, enabling them to address life’s many dynamic challenges.

Using a blend of hard and soft skills to approach all the common stresses and struggles of adults, 7 Mandatory Life Skills for Embracing Your Full Potential empowers people with the confidence to overcome obstacles and better nurture their physical and mental well-being. With special insights into how to approach failure, procrastination, and enact lasting change, this book helps people change the trajectory of their future.

7 Mandatory Life Skills for Embracing Your Full Potential will appeal to students, young professionals, and anyone ambitious and eager to learn how to be successful in all areas of life. The book makes an excellent graduation gift or gift for anyone entering the workforce for the first time.

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